Today was the first day that Dennis and I really got to rest for the entire day- A nice feeling...The hustle and bustle of event preparation is never relaxing but I think we've done as well as we can to get to the start rested. Aside from the locals, everyone will have had to deal with travel, hotels, road food, etc...so in the big picture, we're on the same level as everyone else.
After a good night's sleep in the RV, we toured the sights around Buena Vista and did some last minute shopping to stock up on post-race food. Most of the runners have arrived in town and are slowly taking over this quiet community. I've always found runners to be a strange breed- They tend to stick out like sore thumbs in grocery stores with their short-shorts and bladder packs...makes me grin- I remember doing laps at the Canmore elementary school back in the day and a few kids were very quick to point out that: "Hey...He's wearing short-shorts!" That was the last time I ever wore track shorts. I'd like to think that trail running manufacturers like Salomon are slowly changing the 'look' of the sport by offering longer shorts (thigh length) and a bit more fashion/functional oriented apparel - then again, the 'old school' ways will be hard to break.
Dennis on the top bunk, taking a midday break - He's a short-shorts kind of guy!
Inevitably, we ran into some of the many Canucks in this year's event, many of which are from the Canmore/Calgary area - We also hooked up with the other Salomon Canada Flight Crew Team consisting of Munro Duncan (Whistler, BC) and Courtney Harcott (Edmonton, AB) - Both were eager to get started- They'll be in the hunt for a mixed category podium, which will not be an easy task this year!
As for Dennis and I, we're ready to go - We went out for one last spin of the legs, just enough to get warmed up and loosen up the muscles. After a good stretch, lunch and some down time - it's a good as it's going to get!
Even Tater took some time off after the morning run
At this point, there's not much we can do to get any faster. The only thing we can control is to rest, eat well and get a good night's sleep. We're both a bit nervous going into stage one, but considering the competition that will be lining up on tomorrow's start line (and not to mention the course profile over the next 6 days)...that's probably a common feeling amongst all short-short wearers-
Stage 1 Details: Tomorrow is a relatively 'easy' day with 12miles of gradual flat/fast terrain. TR organizers were limited to this route due to permitting issues. Either way, it will be a good first stage to get the kinks out and test out the competition. Our goal tomorrow is to stay in contact with the 'road' runners and get the tuned up for the hard mountain stage on Day 2.

Inevitably, we ran into some of the many Canucks in this year's event, many of which are from the Canmore/Calgary area - We also hooked up with the other Salomon Canada Flight Crew Team consisting of Munro Duncan (Whistler, BC) and Courtney Harcott (Edmonton, AB) - Both were eager to get started- They'll be in the hunt for a mixed category podium, which will not be an easy task this year!
As for Dennis and I, we're ready to go - We went out for one last spin of the legs, just enough to get warmed up and loosen up the muscles. After a good stretch, lunch and some down time - it's a good as it's going to get!

At this point, there's not much we can do to get any faster. The only thing we can control is to rest, eat well and get a good night's sleep. We're both a bit nervous going into stage one, but considering the competition that will be lining up on tomorrow's start line (and not to mention the course profile over the next 6 days)...that's probably a common feeling amongst all short-short wearers-
Stage 1 Details: Tomorrow is a relatively 'easy' day with 12miles of gradual flat/fast terrain. TR organizers were limited to this route due to permitting issues. Either way, it will be a good first stage to get the kinks out and test out the competition. Our goal tomorrow is to stay in contact with the 'road' runners and get the tuned up for the hard mountain stage on Day 2.
Oh my - those short shorts you're referring to are typically called "nutters"; for obvious reasons. I think the only time they are actually acceptable to wear is at Halloween and costume parties when you dress up as Richard Simmons. Scary!
Good luck. Trail running/ultra running needs a fashion make over (maybe a new reality show). I remember talking to the Skaggs last year about this, and I mentioned I should be the consultant. I like the attitude of Mario Cippolini (tour rider). "Not only am I the best rider on the tour, I am the best looking!" I think trail runners need to think about this....;o)
Back to running-good luck, hammer it and I'll be watching. Vodka Reds at the finish.....
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