The TR Banquet and Awards was great with fantastic food and even better company. Chris, Dom and I shared the table with Kyle and Eric Skaggs of Team Montrail, the winners of the race - and with Whit and Billy (of Team Flying Monkeys) who finished 2nd in the 80+ Men, and Dustin, of Team Gortex Vortex, who finished 2nd Overall in behind the Skagg's. What a great crew to cap off the week with. After the Awards, anyone who had any fumes left in them, migrated to the local watering hole for a few (more) drinks. Nothing like a few RBV's to give you some extra juice...Good times!
Post-race action: Whit fires off the 'flying monkey' - there team's mascot!
In the morning, it was back to work for me as a TR employee. No, I'm not kidding. All the equipment used for the week had to be sorted and repacked according to destination. After a few hours of work, the TR crew dispersed, everyone heading back to their homes for a much needed break.
Dom and I had originally planned on running in the Aspen 1/2 Marathon (entry included because the TR race got reduced to 5 days from 6). But, needless to say that like many, we were both a little haggered and decided to skip the race and head home instead.
After dropping off Dom at the airport, Chris and I made a pitstop at one of the biggest outdoor stores EVER, Outdoor World. This store was a hunter's and campers paradise. If you're ever in Denver, make sure to stop by, you'll see it as you drive home from the's nuts. Afterwards, we figured we deserved a little break and so we went to the theatre to let our brains soak in some mindless entertainement - Resident Evil: Extinction - scared the shit out of me!. Eventually, we started the trek home, making it only a couple hours out of town to Cheyenne, Wyoming, and falling asleep as soon as our heads touched the pillow.
16hours later, 3 fast food pitstops, a crazy snow storm and a few close calls with deer, we were home safely - thanks to Sirius Sattelite Radio for keeping our brains from going crazy!
As I sit here sipping on a pipping hot cup of Kicking Horse Coffee - I look back at a fantastic week of running, some stunning scenery and some new found friends. I love running. This stage-race format is wicked. I can't wait 'til next year. After spending the week with Dom and other ultra-runners, I'm thinking of running in my first 50mile race in a couple of weeks in Seatle - The North Face Endurance Challenge:
Who knows...maybe I'll get hooked.
Until then, it's time to relax and let the body recover - and catch up on work of course...
Thanks to everyone who tuned in to my reports and for your words of encouragements - A few special mentions to:
Chris: I've never felt as good as I did this past week, thanks for all your pre/post race massages.
Dom: For $3,000, I couldn't think of a better thing to do than pulling your ass around the Colorado Rockies! Good memories...
Salomon: thanks for the great equipment! Your shoe line-up rocks and kept my feet comfy and blister free!
Swix:Poles were great and despite all the laughs, we proved that they are a huge help on climbs and descents.
HoneyStinger Gels and Ultima Sports Drink: Thanks Clay! These supplements kept me going all week long -
TransRockies: For the time off work and supporting me throughout the week!
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1 comment:
It was a great week and a great way to end it at the awards party. Runners do know how to end it off!!
I think this will be the first of many adventures in the ultra world for you!!
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