OK, maybe I did.
So back to the grind really means getting back into the world of 'hurt'. With 3 strength workouts a week plus the regular volume days to get me back in the groove, I'm a hurtin' unit these days. It really does hurt to cough as my core is mush from Van's workout Monday. Last night, she ran me through a vicious full-body circuit that got every other muscle particle that didn't get hit on Monday. The chances of me recovering in time for Thursday morning's workout are slim to none...
Reminds me of the good'ol days of '99 when testosterone ruled the BWTC gym at the Canmore Nordic Centre. At the time, I was on the National Cross-Country Development Team and every strength workout was a virtual Battle of the Titans. Shane, Joel and I would try to one-up each other in every single exercise. If Shaner squatted X amount of weight, I would add another plate before my turn and Joel would top it up again before his turn. It didn't matter how much pain we were in because we loved it! Our coach at the time (now my training partner) couldn't get enough either - He egged us on to get the most out of us, and sent us on our way when we topped out. We would all strut out of the weight room, chest high, talking shit about the other and head home to recover...But as soon as we turned the corner, the pace would dramatically slow down to a crawl as the post-workout pain set in. I remember being so drained and on the verge of bonking at times that I barely made it home! That winter was my best ever...

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