As sick as I am of this white stuff, I convinced myself to head to Silver Star for a week-long spring training camp with the newly formed Alberta World Cup Academy. This privately funded development program is based in the Bow Valley and boasts some of Canada's best nordic prospects. I tagged along for the ride for two purposes: 1) Provide the Academy with some tech/logistical/marketing support throughout the trip and 2) To get in shape!
Since our arrival on Monday, the team has been pushing the volume days with a couple hours of skiing in the morning, followed by a usually shorter dryland workout in the afternoon. Overall, some great on-snow conditions has made for great training opportunities and a lively crew to keep things interesting. Here's a glimpse of the week's training so far...
AM - Travel day.
PM - 1h Easy run
AM - 2hr Skate
PM - 1.5hr Road Ride up Silver Star Mtn Rd

AM - 2hr Classic
PM - 1.5hr Run

AM - 2.0hr Skate
PM - 1.25hr Strength + Core workout
AM - 1.5hr Classic
PM - 1.75hr Bike up Silver Star Mtn Rd

It's not often you get this type of visitor in a snowy environment-
AM - 1.5hr Skate
PM - Planned Easy Run
AM - Planned Easy Ski
PM - Travel back to Canmore...
Total Planned: 20hrs +
I have to admit that I'm getting pretty tired. It's been a while since I've done so much volume so it's nice to feel that 'good tired' feeling again. Training with this group of young and motivated kids has been a good way to break into the spring training and remind myself of all the good habits I used to have like stretching, eating balanced meals at regular intervals throughout the day and of course, lots of rest. But life behind the scenes does go on...and unlike my younger roommates, I tend to skip the daily 'nap time' and take advantage of the quiet surroundings in the afternoons to catch up on my TransRockies work!
Tomorrow the team will take one last burn around the track before heading back to Canmore - I'm really hoping that all the snow has melted so I can start running on the trails again! A little sun would be nice for a change...
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