I don't think I've ever run into a herd of sheep before...I guess there's a first time for everything!
Most of the A-dub crew has arrived now - but all that really means is that I'm almost permanently distracted now. Not only am I distracted by the amount of talent surrounded me (runners that it ;) but now blogging is made increasingly difficult as there's always someone around to chat with, or an interesting conversation to listen in on - training, cool adventures, personalities, you name it...chances are you'll hear it!
Distractions et al, I ended up going to bed at around 1am last night - That said, with jetlag still lingering, it made for a very good quality 6hr sleep. My biggest concern was tip-toeing into my room hoping not to wake up my roommate for the week, 6-time World Mountain Running Champ, Jonathan Wyatt - thought it would be a good idea to give the boy a bit of respect!
Day 2's rotation involved us moving on from apparel testing to a promo photo shoot. But the photographer took one look at my bad hair (bed head) and waived me off, rescheduling me for the afternoon session - ok, maybe not...I was actually pencilled in for a bio-mechanical assessment with Salomon's in-house Podiatrist so I had to ditch the morning shift. So what did Mr Podiatrist have to say? I've got super narrow feet - they actually measured and compared (hence why I love the Speedcross' fit) and a few mechanical issues that can be sorted out with new orthodics. I actually thought my current inserts were superlight, until he called them tanks...He also rambled on about how Salomon would be making me custom S-Labs to accommodate my narrow feet..."Thanks for the nice gesture, but need I remind you that I'm simply a 'promo' guy..."
Ok, enough chit chat...time to go running!Stunned and confused - wondering how far this canyon is going up the mountain. My 45min run turned into 1hr45 as I kept going up and up...just as I was going to give up, the sky appeared around a bend, and I popped up halfway up Mt Ventoux. A least there was a nice view!
The view from the top - Looking down the canyon, the town of Bedoin in the distance.
Just as I arrived in town, I rounded the corner only to be stopped dead in my tracks by a massive herd of sheep! They must have been on their way back from a shawn (...or being shawned? or from sheep shawning...? Not sure how to spell this - anyone?) Anyways...they looked like giant hairless things - very attractive! The lot was being guided by a sheep herder dude and 2 massive Great Pyrenese sheep dogs that eyed me up and down (twice) with a "Don't even think about buddy...or else". I didn't interfere...All I could do was remember the TransRockie Run training..."Back to the Sheep!"
Back ot the Future or retro...Which is which? Ricky showing off some mad shoes...and a slick Exo kit!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Advance Week Day 2: Back to the Sheep!
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1 comment:
Très intéressant de lire tes commentaires. Profites-en. Tu as bien mérité d'être là... comme tous les autres.
P.S.: the sheep were sheared or are back from a shearing
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